Get to know Chaz.

HI, my name is,   Chaz

I am 71 years old, married and have one Daughter who is now thirty-seven years old now.  I was brought up as the second of five children on our family farm in the central west of NSW in Australia.   A 1500-acre farm, a great place to grow up, sheep, Wheat and cattle were our main produce.  We had horses up until the late 60’s but not since then, No push bikes, it was rough ground and BMX, and mountain bikes were not around at that time.

I spent four years at boarding school in Orange thirty miles from the farm and during the second year in 1965 my father bought our first motorbike which was a Honda ninety step through, the Horses had gone by that stage.

I only remember riding a horse two times in my life and that was on the back behind my father. holding on for dear life with my fingers gripping into his flesh around his waist.

After I left School in the end of 1967, I worked on the family farm till I decided to make a change and go my own way, my parents were not pleased because I only gave them an hours’ notice.  My father thought that I would return but I didn’t, not to work anyway.

I left the farm at the age of twenty-five in 1976 and within a few weeks got a Job as a bus driver driving a regular run from Orange to Canberra in the ACT, it would travel to “The Australian Capital Territory” and return in a day which usually took just over twelve hours with one hundred minutes break in Canberra before return. The bus ran eight times a week, twice on Sunday’s.  I did the run three to five times a week over nearly three years.

In early 1978 I moved to Sydney where I got a job as a Driving Instructor for a driving School in Sydney’s southern suburbs where I worked for twelve months, then decided to move back to Orange to start my own Driving School business. It was the main driving school in town.

My Wife and I were married in September 1980.

We ran the driving school business for 10 years when my wife, daughter and I decided to sell and move to Port Macquarie in September 1988. Port Macquarie is on the north coast of New South Wales about 400 kms north of Sydney.  After starting another Driving School in Port I decided to sell it 2 years later and do something else.

Over the next 16 years I drove Taxis, Buses, coaches and Hire cars in and around Port till November 2007 when I had health problems which caused me to retire on medical grounds.              I had been a Professional driver all my working life.

I still love driving and my wife and I now are full time House sitters and as you can imagine we still travel a lot.  We try to keep within range of our daughter and her family and our two grandkids who we enjoy being with between sits.    I have had an interesting life.

Since COVID 19 arrived at the beginning of the year I have had a heart attack, a triple bypass, lost all our house sits due to nobody travelling away, we could not visit our daughter’s and our grandkids for months.

because we don’t have our own home anymore, we found it hard to find a place to stay. so, at one stage for a few months we ended up living in a wool shed and in a cold climate.  then to another farm in a warmer climate where we are at present. All this while recovering from a triple bypass.

Which buy the way, I am doing very well.

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