Making online marketing happen.

A creative and enthusiastic imagination.

Imagine this scenario.

Think of the day when you have no income worries.   Yet you are making ten times more than you have ever made in a month before.  And have no debt collectors at your door, you’re in laws are wondering how you paid for your new BMW that we are driving.
You have a great marriage, and we take regular family holidays with them.   Have your own home and some of your income has been put into a number of different investments.  They are doing very well and are bringing in more income than your full-time job is doing.

You love your job and would not give it up even if we were making ten times more in other income sources than we are in your regular work.  Isn’t it amazing that we can think these things in our minds.

Reality Bites.

This is not your real-life situation at this time, we may have a very stormy marriage and we may be in a job that we only make a minimal wage.  A wage that does not keep one out of debt.   And are always trying to manage your income and always angry for not making the kind of income that the family needs to live on.

Realize the possibilities.

Isn’t imagination an amazing thing, It gives us the opportunity  to see what is possible at any given time in the future.  You could see yourself in either a positive or negative light which could lead us to say to ourselves.

 “We can do it”, It is possible. “We will make it happen”.

You may find that even though we had very positive thoughts through your imagination about where our life is heading.  This does not mean that one would allow ourselves to accept the fact that they are really possible.

What we imagine and what is possible are two different things, the difference is in your thoughts, beliefs, and your understanding of your own abilities which determines the directions that you may take.

It’s your move!

Whether we are a very strong and positive person or someone who finds it hard to push ahead when things are not working in your favor.  The one thing that will move anyone foreword is to have the support of others who have already achieved what we are seeking.

I am talking from experience here like most others, make a change, imagine where we could be six or twelve months ahead from now. Your imagination is an amazing thing, we can actually think and dream of your success before it happens.

4 thoughts on “Making online marketing happen.”

  1. Your dreams can come true if you are willing to work for them as nothing is free in life. What I love about working with Wealthy Affiliate is the wonderful choice of things you can make money selling. So if you are an avid fisherman, you can start an online shop and share your experiences with other avid fishermen, as well as recommend products for them to try. Best part is you get commissions on everything you sell, and once you have put it in place and your website is big enough, people will find you and buy even when you are fast asleep in bed at 2am.

    So yes these are no longer pipe dreams, but realities that more and more people are living in our present times.

    1. Thank you Michel,   I appreciate your comments and am looking forward to building a profitable affiliate network.

  2. This is very tempting. Everyone would like to live like that. What scares us the most is fraud on the Internet, especially if you need to pay money instead of earning it. However, there are also such platforms where you pay a membership fee and the earnings depend only on you.

    1. Thank you Bojana, your input is appreciated, Internet fraud is a serious problem and I worry about our grandchildren who are at the age of being able to access the internet and making sure they understand what they may be confronted with.

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