Give Praise to Those Who Made Effort.

Success is just a word.

We want to be heaped with praises? when we know that we have succeeded in our accomplishments.

Do you want to know? how many wonderful friendships from all around the world you will have established with people who want to help you.  People who are there to encourage you along the way to your success.

Success should be something that will drive you to the destination that you want to achieve in your life.

Maybe this place is where they feel most comfortable. They may want to do better in life but there is this wall built up in front of them called,

“Impossible”, that is stopping them from making the effort.

We create our obstacles to success..

Have you ever heard someone say? I have never or will never accomplish anything in my life.  Then their best friend turns around and tells them about ten things that they have done in the past.   That they have succeeded in or made a difference in the community.

If life is not enjoyable at times, we can forget all the positive memories and emotions that drive us to better attitudes and opportunities.  It’s time to make the effort and see big changes in your life.

Breaking our barriers.

Just think what it will do for your family and maybe your marriage. You can break all the barriers that are holding you back.

Always keep a positive attitude, first thing in the morning when you wake up is the best time to go over any strong affirmations you may have written down.  Affirmations that can help to boost your confidence and keep a positive mind.

Here is a door to your success.   Open Sesame!!!



Income equals lifestyle.

  Income equals Lifestyle.

A continually growing and accessible income is a possible basis for a happy and fulfilling lifestyle.
It is up to those who have enough interest in wanting success and going out there to seek it out.

We’re all seeking something different in our lives, we don’t want to sit stagnant in one position for long periods.
One tends to get bored and frustrated if we can’t make even small changes along the way.

A big find.

Gold miners are always out there looking for the next big find.
For their in seeking mode and make a mediocre find that may satisfy them for a while.
When that major big find is still on their lips, They can taste it, and that drives them on and on.

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Motivated miners will not sit back and wait for it to come to them.
They’re out there and put in the Blood, Sweat and Tears.

With only the drive of the chance to find some of that elusive gold.

The drive inside.

It would be amazing if we had the same drive to improve our own income.    That amazing drive that continued day and night.
Knowing that for a long period of time they would  not see any tangible benefits of all your hard work.

We tend to want to see something, even just a little to let us know we are on the right track. Understanding  that  we are not putting money into something for nothing.

Lots of people tend to want instant  gratification   for our efforts and tend not to be able to hold out for the big benefits.

Don’t give up just before the finish line.

We have heard of gold miners giving up and leaving their plot after years of hard slogging,

Only to find  that someone else came in and has acquired his old plot.
To find that they had   found the mother load  within hours of starting to dig.

How would you feel if you were the one who left this plot?.

Quitting is not an option.

No one wants to be the one who decided to quit,  to find that those who took over where you left off have  made a killing financially. Most likely with the same plan and strategies that you had when you left.

Are you seeking a serious change in your lifestyle and financial situation.
It is your decisions and motivation that will make the difference. Push ahead, even if it is a small step at a time.
As long as you are moving forward then your destination will be getting closer.

Wealthy Affiliate has many avenues of support for you along the way, Courses and training at your finger tips.

You can make it happen.

My debts are crushing me.

Do I have to live with my debts.

Do you get the feeling that you have heard this statement before, I have not only heard it but experienced it firsthand at a few stages of my life.
If this is something that has been pulling you down lately, then you are not alone.

When you hear of bank foreclosures all the time, but they would be more prominent when interest rates rise. People are more likely to afford to buy a house when the interest rates are low.
They buy because at those low rates because at this stage they can afford to handle the payments, but in some cases some people don’t plan for what might happen if rates rise considerably.

If things happen fairly quickly in the first few years of the loan, they can find themselves in a situation where they are not even covering the interest and the bank might come calling.

The income you provide for     family can determine where you live, the school your children attend, the clothes they wear, Weather you take family holidays or not.

Gifts they may share with each other, Christmas, Birthday’s and other special; times, , The Car the family drives, The medical attention or dental treatment that the family may need, most likely on the spur of the moment.

There are so many things that can restrict a families lifestyle,  A father buys a cheap baby seat for his child in the car but can’t afford one that is safety approved because he can’t afford it.

Skimping  on car repairs or scheduled servicing, even Tyre replacement which puts the family at risk.

Where do we stop!

Don’t ever think that you are always restricted to a certain amount of income for a set amount of time.  I know!  You are working for a boss, and he sets the rules, and the pay.

Don’t ever say! You don’t deserve to be at the higher steps of life.  You are now at the height level of your own making.

If you are financially strapped then, you are the one who eventually has changed your situation.
You can’t just sit back and watch the next few months go bye and keep saying to yourself, It’s Happening! I’m going to go broke!

Set some goals,  get Motivated,   Change your financial situation you can do it!

Start right now!

Here’s your Motivation!